INSPYRE Informatics, a Hungarian software development agency, is offering remote employment to IT professionals from Ukraine.
The initiative, #solidarITy, aims to provide stable employment opportunities for Ukrainians and Hungarians in Ukraine who are struggling with the consequences of the war and the economic collapse.
Since Thursday, war has been raging in Ukraine, Hungary's neighbor. Many people are expressing solidarity with those who are fearing for their lives, and trying to seek refuge, and also with those who are threatened by the economic collapse caused by the war.
In the last few weeks, foreign investors have practically disappeared from Ukraine and employers have found themselves in a very difficult situation, with many people's jobs at risk.
"I see a lot of posts on social media saying that in these uncertain times, from Hungary, stable employment is one of the biggest help we can give to people living in Ukraine.
That's why INSPYRE is launching #solidarITy, an initiative to open new remote job opportunities specifically for IT development professionals from Ukraine, with an accelerated selection process and US dollar or euro-based salaries,"
says Péter Borzák, CEO of INSPYRE, Hungarian software development agency.
"We felt helpless in the situation and wanted to help in some way. I think this is how we as Hungarian SMEs can do the most for people in Ukraine at the moment, and I hope that more like-minded companies will join this initiative".
The job advertisement campaign was launched on Friday 25 February and is primarily taking place on LinkedIn.
INSPYRE is asking anyone who knows an IT development professional living in Ukraine to let them know about the opportunity so that the #solidarITy initiative can help as many people as possible.