Labor shortages and supplier difficulties in the IT sector are much more likely this year.
Trends in the IT world in recent months suggest that there will be far more labor shortages and supplier difficulties in early 2022 than in previous years, due in part to supply disruptions caused by COVID-19 and the fact that many people are now seeing the time to quit their jobs since the start of the epidemic.
These are particularly important signs for companies planning IT upgrades this year. In order to prepare in good time, it may be appropriate to rethink annual business plans from the ground up.
According to Péter Borzák, CEO of INSPYRE Informatics, the usual difficulties of the first quarter of the financial year, includes signs of a big wave of quitting, that are already visible, as development costs can be up to 30-40% more expensive than in other periods, depending on the project.
Allocate the resources
Nevertheless, in order to ensure that the most important projects are delivered, it may be worthwhile to allocate the necessary resources as soon as possible, initiate essential procurement and start recruiting new staff or contracting external developers.
"With proper planning, companies can better position themselves for the first quarter of the business year," says Péter Borzák.
Research the experience of the candidates
In terms of manpower, whether in-house or outsourced, it is advisable to carefully and thoroughly research the experience and previous work of professionals.
It can make a big difference, not least in saving time and money, if the developer has worked in the industry before. Since companies usually commission IT development when they want to automate, innovate or digitize in their field, the development team should have a complete understanding of the industry and its operational characteristics, tools and resource requirements.
However, if they have worked in the sector before, this knowledge will make it easier for them to get started, saving on average 10-15% in both time and money.
According to the expert,
if a company gives an insight to IT vendors into its own company culture during the negotiation phase, this can significantly reduce misunderstandings later on.
The framework is different everywhere
While some places expect employees to be available by email or phone at all times, even at weekends, to answer key questions, for some IT teams this may be perceived as a violation of employee rights.
Much also depends on clarification of decision-making roles and of who the developer is exactly in charge of.
The latter can be particularly problematic in flat hierarchies.
By agreeing to all this in advance, collaboration during any development project can be made much easier and more effective.