“The time for businesses to start getting familiar with AI is now”
In a new market trend report, INSPYRE Informatics provides the core insights to keep you well-updated on artificial intelligence (AI), approached from a business perspective.
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INSPYRE Informatics helps WizzAir in modernizing its backend systems
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Retention of IT professionals - how?
A survey conducted by the Századvég Foundation for Public Knowledge involving professionals with IT graduations reveals that 62% of respondents worked exclusively in the office before the pandemic. This figure that dropped to 13% after the pandemic. In addition, the proportion of people working fully from home increased almost five-fold (37%). This trend is mainly due to the acceleration of digitalization in the wake of the pandemic and the investments needed to work in hybrid environments. This in turn could lead to a digital exodus, a real problem for the region's competitiveness…
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Why is it worthwhile for businesses to upgrade their IT?
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INSPYRE helps Ukrainian IT professionals by providing remote work vacancies
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•Artificial intelligence is already in store
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•From face recognition applications to the tracking of the work tools
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Women in IT: only one in ten IT professionals
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Home Office forever? Or would it be better to get back on-site?
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